Evolution level:1
Boss Level:Gloomy Grove

Exeggutor is a dual-type Pokémon, first introduced in Generation I. Also known as Coconut Pokémon, Exeggutor features abilities like Chlorophyll, Frisk, and Harvest. There is another variant of this Pokémon – Alolan Exeggutor, which is five times taller than the Exeggutor. The Pokémon lives in jungles and forests, where they get ample of sunlight. Exeggutor is the only Pokémon who knows the Barrage move whereas Dragon Hammer move is exclusive to Alolan Exeggutor.

Talking about other Exeggutor move sets, there are barrage, hypnosis, egg bomb, hyper beam, sludge bomb, and so on. Exeggutor best sets comprise of moves like psyshock, solar beam, wood hammer, leaf storm, dragon hammer, and so on.

Exeggutor moves in Pokemon Quest

Move name Type Attack Cooldown, sec Stone Slots Description
Synthesis Grass 0 5 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Sharing Stone, Stay Strong Stone The user absorbs light, raising the damage it deals for a while.
Leech Seed Grass 103 9 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Scattershot Stone The user plants a seed on the ground in front of itself. Enemies in range are gradually damaged. Part of the damage dealt is absorbed to restore the user's HP.
Psychic Psychic 121 7 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Scattershot Stone, Stay Strong Stone The user creates a large, mysterious light and fires it out, dealing damage to enemies hit by it. Sometimes raises the amount of damage they take.
Sludge Bomb Poison 173 5 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Broadburst Stone, Scattershot Stone, Stay Strong Stone The user shoots out a glob of sludge that splits open when it hits the ground, damaging surrounding enemies. Sometimes poisons enemies.
Flash Normal 0 2 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Stay Strong Stone The user suddenly flashes a bright light at surrounding enemies, often lowering their movement speed.
Egg Bomb Normal       The user scatters eggs around itself, damaging enemies hit by them.
Bullet Seed Grass 168 7 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Broadburst Stone, Scattershot Stone The user sends several seeds flying out in front of itself simultaneously, damaging enemies hit by them.
Solar Beam Grass 227 7 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Broadburst Stone, Scattershot Stone The user gathers light and unleashes it in front of itself, dealing damage to enemies hit by it.
Stun Spore Grass 21 3 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Broadburst Stone, Stay Strong Stone The user scatters numbing powder directly in front of itself. Often paralyzes enemies hit by it.
Stomp Normal 180 5 Wait Less Stone, Whack-Whack Stone, Broadburst Stone The user stomps on enemies in front of itself with a big foot, damaging them.

How to get Exeggutor in Pokemon Quest

If you want an Exeggutor in your Pokedex, prepare an Exeggutor recipe like Veggie Smoothie a la Cube or Brain Food a la Cube. The former one requires a whole lot of plants and a few soft things and the latter requires a lot of sweet things and a few hard things.

How to evolve Exeggutor in Pokemon Quest

Exeggutor evolution takes place when Exeggcute is prone to the Leaf Stone. This is applicable for the Alolan Exeggutor as well. Further, these are the final evolution forms as the evolution process ends here.