Pokemon Quest Tier List

Regarding Pokemon Quest, there’s much talk nowadays about the Tier List. This list is a compilation of the best Pokemon for your team. The higher ranking of the Pokemon in the Tier List, the more valuable becomes your team.
Let’s get to know the preferable Pokemon for playing from the Pokemon Quest Tier List.
Tier Ranking Table
If you are an old fan of Pokemon series games, you could have dealt with Tier Ranking before. For instance, in Pokemon Go, all the Pokemon were divided into seven Tiers. The most powerful position in this chart is S-God Tier; the lowest is F-Worst Tier. Comparing to Pokemon Quest, there are a few differences in the Tier List. Still, the scheme is the same.
From the Pokemon Quest Tier List, we discover six Tier Rankings of the Pokemon. Moving from the highest S-Tier Ranking (which is the best for the Pokemon) we descend to the lowest type of the Pokemon F-Tier (which are the weakest among listed.)
The higher position the Pokemon occupies in the Tier List, the more helpful abilities it can learn. This chart is also based on stats of the specific Pokemon and its efficiency in the game.
S-Tier performs the list of Pokemon, the rarest and the most difficult to get. All of them are Legendary Pokemon, that is why they are incredibly powerful and located at the top of the Tier List.
Articuno, for example, doesn’t evolve from any other Pokemon. Its average HP stat is 90; the average ATK is 85. Articuno is valuable for its offensive coverage that is very threatening.
A-Tier Ranking includes Strong Pokemon. These are Alakazam, Charizard, Dragonite, Lapras, Rhydon, Snorlax, Venusaur. All of them are evolved Pokemon, so you have a great chance to get them on your team by evolving your Pokemon. To find out more about getting the evolved Pokemon, refer to our Pokemon Quest Evolution chart guide.
B-Tier Pokemon represent the Above Average group. These Electabuzz, Jolteon, Gengar, Gyarados, Machamp, Nidoking, Starmie. All of them are also the evolved forms of the less powerful Pokemon. As we already mentioned, you can speed up the Pokemon evolution by going into expeditions, doing Level-Up Training, and using PM Tickets.
C-Tier consists of Average Pokemon. Blastoise, Exeggutor, Flareon, Magneton, Nidoqueen, Poliwrath, Vaporeon belong to this group. These are also evolved Pokemon which are slightly less powerful than the Above Average group.
One of C-Tier, Vaporeon is known as one of the best defenders in Pokemon Quest.
D-Tier Pokemon are considered to be Average. You can find Golem, Magmar, Mr. Mime, Muk, Pinsir, Scyther, Slowbro among them. They are rather a good match for the middle of the game. But once, you reach higher levels in Pokemon Quest, you will notice that their power sometimes is not sufficient for the passing of the level.
F-Tier Pokemon is the last in the table. Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Kangaskhan, Onix, Victreebel, Vileplume are considered to be the Pokemon of the Worst Tier. Nevertheless, they are not bad after the starter Pokemon, and their stats are more than enough for passing a few initial levels.
Tier Ranking | Pokemon of the Tier | ||||||
S-Tier [Best] | Articuno | Mew |
| Moltres | Zapdos | ||
A-Tier [Strong] | Alakazam | Charizard | Dragonite |
| Rhydon | Snorlax | Venusaur |
B-Tier [Above Average] | Electabuzz | Jolteon | Gengar | Gyarados |
| Nidoking | Starmie |
C-Tier [Average] | Blastoise | Exeggutor | Flareon | Magneton |
| Poliwrath | Vaporeon |
D-Tier [Below Average] | Golem |
Mr. Mime
| Muk | Pinsir | Slowbro | Scyther |
F-Tier [Worst] | Hitmonchan | Hitmonlee |
| Victreebell | Vileplume |
If you want to get a Pokemon of a particular Tier, you can try to do it by cooking. Select a needed recipe from our Pokemon Quest Recipes List and try to attract the Pokemon of a higher Tier to your team.