Pokémon Quest - How to evolve Pokémons

Since Pokémon Quest is sort of an RPG game, you'll have to upgrade your Poké-guys constantly - otherwise, you'll conquer no success.
In this short guide, we'll share with you tips and tricks to making your Pokémons better and stronger and also give you the comprehensive list of the Pokémon evolution chains.
Evolution Strategy
Here's how you can evolve your Pokémons:
1) Expeditions
Pokémon Quest is a classic RPG, so primarily you'll have to gain more and more XP points through numerous Expeditions, quests, and fights to turn your Pocket Monster into a fierce warrior.
Just don't forget to use items that enhance its strength, health, and special Moves.
2) Training
The best way to train your Pokémon is the following:
- Go to the "Training Category".
- Click on the "Level Up" button.
- Choose a Pokémon you want to upgrade.
- Drag that Pokémon to the "Training Pokémon" slot.
- Choose the supporting Pokémons.
- Tap on the "Start Training" button.
Tap on “Training”
Tap on “Level Up”
Drag the Pokemon for training
Add a supporting Pokemon
The more supporting Pokemons you add - the more XP you get
Two matching Pokemons achieve a higher level
Beware! The Pokémons chosen by you to be the supporting ones will be discarded from your collection forever. And the more Pokémons you sacrifice - the more XP you'll give to the leveling up Pokémon.
To gain the maximum level/XP points possible, choose the supporting Pokémons of the same type as the Pokémon in training. It garners a certain experience bonus.
3) Specialized decorations
In Pokémon Quest, decorations do not just beautify the game's landscape. No, actually every single one of them fulfills a specific function.
Some of them dramatically increase the overall amount of experience your Pokémon party receives.
These decorations include:
- Bulbasaur Flag - level Up XP x 1.5.
- Fearow Weathervane - level Up XP x 2.
- Snorlax Lounger - expedition XP x 2.
- The Prolific Statue - more expedition XP for the up to level 5 Pokemons.
- The Spring Showers Statue - up to level 10.
- The Flourishing Statue - up to level 15.
- The Tranquility Statue - up to level 20.
- The Gentle Breeze Statue - up to level 25.
- The Abundance Statue - up to level 30
- The Purification Statue - up to level 35.
- The Burning Mane - up to level 40.
- The Longevity Statue - up to level 50.
- The Reverent Statue - up to level 60.
It's worth mentioning though that some of the aforementioned decorations are available through DLC only. Other can be bought for the Poké Mart Tickets.
Pokémon evolution chains
At what level does a Pokémon evolve? It depends on a specific Pokémon, of course. There is a specific XP points mark, which when achieved, automatically forces a Poke-guy into becoming a fancier version of itself. We've prepared the list of evolution levels for you.
How to evolve Abra
Abra - Kadabra (Lvl 16) - Alakazam (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Bellsprout
Bellsprout - Weepinbell (Lvl 21) - Victreebell (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Bulbasaur
Bulbasaur - Ivysaur (Lvl 16) - Venusaur (Lvl 32)
How to evolve Caterpie
Caterpie - Metapod (Lvl 7) - Butterfree (Lvl 10)
How to evolve Charmander
Charmander - Charmeleon (Lvl 16) - Charizard (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Cubone
Cubone - Marowak (Lvl 28)
How to evolve Diglet
Diglett - Dugtrio (Lvl 26)
How to evolve Doduo
Doduo - Dodrio (Lvl 31)
How to evolve Dratini
Dratini - Dragonair (Lvl 30) - Dragonite (Lvl 55)
How to evolve Drowzee
Drowzee - Hypno (Lvl 26)
How to evolve Eevee
How to evolve Ekans
Ekans - Arbok (Lvl 22)
How to evolve Gastly
Gastly - Haunter(Lvl 25) - Gengar (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Geodude
Geodude - Graveler (Lvl 25) - Golem (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Goldeen
Goldeen - Seaking (Lvl 33)
How to evolve Grimer
Grimer - Muk (Lvl 38)
How to evolve Growlithe
Growlithe - Arcanine (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Horsea
Horsea - Seadra (Lvl 32)
How to evolve Kabuto
Kabuto - Kabutops (Lvl 40)
How to evolve Koffing
Koffing - Weezing (Lvl 35)
How to evolve Krabby
Krabby - Kingler (Lvl 28)
How to evolve Machop
Machop - Machoke (Lvl 28) - Machamp (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Magnemite
Magnemite - Magneton (Lvl 30)
How to evolve Magikarp
Magikarp - Gyarados (Lvl 20)
How to evolve Mankey
Mankey - Primeape (Lvl 28)
How to evolve Meowth
Meowth - Persian (Lvl 28)
How to evolve Nidoran
Nidoran - Nidorina/Nidorino (Lvl 16) - Nidoqueen/Nidoking (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Oddish
Oddish - Gloom (Lvl 21) - Vileplume (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Omanyte
Omanyte - Omastar (Lvl 40)
How to evolve Paras
Paras - Parasect (Lvl 24)
How to evolve Pidgey
Pidgey - Pidgeotto (Lvl 18) - Pidgeot (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Pikachu
Pikachu - Raichu (Lvl 22)
How to evolve Poliwag
Poliwag - Poliwhirl (Lvl 25) - Poliwrath (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Ponyta
Ponyta - Rapidash (Lvl 40)
How to evolve Psyduck
Psyduck - Golduck (Lvl 33)
How to evolve Rattata
Rattata - Raticate (Lvl 20)
How to evolve Rhyhorn
Rhyhorn - Rhydon (Lvl 42)
How to evolve Sandshrew
Sandshrew - Sandslash (Lvl 22)
How to evolve Seel
Seel - Dewgong (Lvl 34)
How to evolve Shellder
Shellder - Cloyster (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Slowpoke
Slowpoke - Slowbro (Lvl 37)
How to evolve Squirtle
Squirtle - Wartortle (Lvl 16) - Blastoise (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Spearow
Spearow - Fearow (Lvl 20)
How to evolve Staryu
Staryu - Starmie (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Tentacool
Tentacool - Tentacruel (Lvl 30)
How to evolve Tyrogue
Tyrogue - Hitmonchan/Hitmonlee (Lvl 20)
How to evolve Venonat
Venonat - Venomoth (Lvl 31)
How to evolve Voltorb
Voltorb - Electrode (Lvl 30)
How to evolve Vulpix
Vulpix - Ninetails (Lvl 36)
How to evolve Weedle
Weedle - Kakuna (Lvl 7) - Beedrill (Lvl 10)
How to evolve Zubat
Zubat - Golbat (Lvl 22)
What's up with Eevee?
There have been some theories regarding Eevee's evolution. Some thought that renaming it into "Pyro", "Sparky" and "Rainer" would do the eEeveelution magic.
Others theorized that placing Eevee in a specifically colored slot would trigger the desirable transformation.
However, all of the above-mentioned assumptions turned out to be erroneous.
Here's how you do it. To evolve Eevee into:
1) Vaporeon - equip more HP Stones than attack Stones.
2) Jolteon - an equal amount of HP/attack Stones.
3) Flareon - equip more attack Stones than HP Stones.
The evolution happens only when your Eevee achieves level 36.
So far that's all we know about the Pokémon evolution in Pokémon Quest.
The game is still in its early stages, and though its gameplay is more or less developed, the authors will definitely add some new elements to make the training/evolution processes more time-wasting, engaging and exciting.